Hi there 馃憢

Welcome to my blog! - Here, you’re going to find out the things I’ve done in my leisure time.

Cloudflare Pages and Gitlab Configuration

Cloudflare Pages Configuration A pre-requisite is to have a working domain on Cloudflare, if you don鈥檛 have one, we can buy one and then point it to Cloudflare DNS. After we enable our site on Cloudflare, we will navigate to Pages, click on Create a project select Direct Upload, fill in Name and select your public folder on your repository. If it is empty, just build it with hugo. After uploading is complete, our blog will be visible on its domain; however, you may be wondering, 鈥淲hat if I want to add a new entry or change something?...

Monday, Feb 27, 2023 路 3 min 路 502 words 路 Alejandro Laban

Theme configuration and CMS setup

Theme configuration Now that we have our initial blog ready, we need to configure it. Most configuration parameters belong to our chosen theme, there is an example config.yml file in the paperMod theme repository: https://github.com/adityatelange/hugo-PaperMod/blob/be00e5a557212de1067016f0fe8a4aa00d23f2e2/config.yml Some important values to update are: baseURL params.title params.description params.keywords params.editPost.URL menu.main googleAnalytics Others are optional and depend on the features of your theme that you want to use. After you update those values, we can review them by running hugo server, With this, we can see our initial page with its header, main content, and footer rendered properly with our config....

Saturday, Feb 25, 2023 路 5 min 路 880 words 路 Alejandro Laban

Setting up your own blog

To create your blog, you need to follow some steps: Install Hugo Create a new sit Add a theme Sync a push to a remote git repository Installing Hugo There are some alternatives to installing Hugo. Let鈥檚 use Homebrew (Linux and MacOS). brew install hugo Creating a new site Run the following command hugo new site <site-name> -f yaml hugo new site alejandro-blog -f yaml That command will create a new site in the current folder with the name alejandro-blog and it will output something similar to this:...

Saturday, Aug 20, 2022 路 3 min 路 435 words 路 Alejandro Laban

My blogging journey

Where do I start? Well, you need somewhere to host your publications. There are plenty of alternatives from low to high complexity. To name a few nowadays, we use: Wordpress (with deployment as SaaS, hosting-services, self-hosted) Git backed Gitlab pages Github pages Static generators Hugo Gatsby Jekyll Nuxt Medium Ghost Each one having its own set of advantages and drawbacks on blog creation, daily use, deployment and maintenance What alternatives should I choose?...

Thursday, Jul 28, 2022 路 2 min 路 252 words 路 Alejandro Laban